The Hip Hopera 5P1N0K10

The story of an Android who wants to be a real B-Boy.

Follow jeghetto on Instagram

jeghetto's puppetier troupe

the puppetiers

$5.00 per month

  • 10% off all merch
  • access to exclusive video content
  • membership shoutouts at the beginning of exclusive videos

the builder puppetiers

$10.00 per month

  • 10% off all merch
  • access to exclusive video content
  • membership shoutouts at the beginning of exclusive videos
  • monthly q & a live stream for puppet builders
  • contact jeghetto with direct messaging

the master puppetiers

$15.00 per month

  • 15% off all merch
  • access to exclusive video content
  • membership shoutouts at the beginning of exclusive videos
  • monthly q & a live stream for puppet builders
  • monthly 30 minute 1 on 1 video session with jeghetto
  • contact jeghetto with direct messaging

the master puppetiers of the multiverse

$20.00 per month

  • 20 % off all merch
  • access to exclusive video content
  • membership shoutouts at the beginning of exclusive videos
  • monthly q & a livestreams for puppet builders
  • monthly 1 hour 1 on 1 video session with jeghetto
  • contact jeghetto with direct messaging

Thank you for your support!

we really appreciate your support. leave a message with your donation and i'll reply as soon as I can! peace and puppets!
